Tuesday, May 23, 2006

We are going home!

Well, my home that is. Just got word today that we have the 4 bedroom townhome in Maine,BBBBBBUUUUUTTTTTT it won't be available until at least the 20th of June. We fly out of Hawaii on the 7th of June. Leaving us with A LOT of time to fill in between. So I had to make a decision, without Paul as he is on a mini deployment right now, and I had to make it quick. I didn't want to lose this house just cause I am on a tight deadline here. So I took the 4 bedroom.

So what does this mean? I get to go to my hometown for 5 days! I am estatic, I mean, E S T A T I C! I can eat all of my favorite hometown foods AND see my Nanny (grandmother before anyone thinks I actually had a 'nanny'). The kids get to see their Granny Nanny, their favorite uncle (my brother Kelly), AND, this is going to be my huge leverage for them to be good, they get to go to Hershey Park, and if they are REALLY good, I will think about taking them to Seasme Place as well. Hershey is only 40 minutes from where I grew up, while Seasme is more like 2 hours, so we will see. All depends on how good they are going to be ;). And not only will I get to do all of this, but I get to see some of my high school friends that I haven't seen in years. One of them has had a daughter who is 1 and I have yet to meet her, the other one is going through a horrible time in her life right now, and I am hoping to catch up with my guy best friend as well. A lot to pack in in a short 5 day stay! But I am so looking forward to it. Really, nothing like going back to your hometown.

And, on another note, this little man could not STOP hamming it for me today. Here is Mr. Alex, being, well, Mr.Alex!

Total cheeser:

Licking his fingers after some chips:

Some gangsta booty:

And my angel:

Ya'll have a great one! :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you. YAY, there's no place like home, and it sounds like you will be there in no time at all. What a great turn of events! Congrats about the 4 bedroom. I know that has to make anticipating this move much easier. And finally, I LOVE the diaper bottom picture. It is awesome.

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful. Great news on the house.

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news on the house!!! CUte pics!

4:29 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

how exciting!! to go back to your hometown and for getting that 4 bedroom! :) I vagely remember going to Hershey Park when I was a little girl..all I remember is this ride that tells you how they make the chocolate and then they give you a piece of chocolate at the end of it. lol

cute pictures :)

10:39 AM  

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